In the 18th century, families relied on
almanacs to help them make many weather and seasonal decisions, such as when
they should plant their crops or travel. However, almanacs only gave a
long-term idea of what the weather might be based on weather in the past. If
someone wanted an immediate weather forecast, weather accounts and “indicator
journals,” which used observations of nature, were prolific.
journals,” which used observations of nature, were prolific.
Are these weather indicators old wives tales or were
18th century weather enthusiasts on to something?
Some 18th century weather predictors:
-"You May expect some Rain, or Snow, according
to Season of the Year, either on the third or fourth Day before, or on the
third or fourth Day after every Change or Full of the Moon, in the whole Year;
as also, at or near the Time when the Moon enters every first or last
-"If there appear a Circle about the Moon, you
may expect stormy Weather to follow shortly after."
-"If the Moon change on a Sunday, it is almost a
certain Sign of a Flood before the next new Moon."
-"If the Sun set under a thick black Cloud, it
is almost a sure Sign of some Rain the next Day."
-"If a Rainbow appear in the Morning, it is a
Sign, for the most Part, of several Showers of Rain before Night."
-"When the Wind keeps varying much, from one
Quarter to another, you may expect Rain in twenty-four Hours."
-"If there be no Dew in a still Summer's Morning
you may expect Rain before Night, sometimes before Noon."
-"If the Smoke from the Chimnies, instead of
ascending, fall to the Ground; you may expect Rain within twenty-four Hours,
frequently sooner. [1]
-"The Crows flocking together in large Flights,
holding their Heads upward as they fly, and crying louder than usual, is a Sign
of Rain, as is also their stalking by Rivers and Ponds, and sprinkling
-"When Sheep leap mightily, and push at one
another with their heads [it indicates rain.]"
-"When Cats rub their Heads with their Forepaws
(especially that Part of their Heads above their Ears) and lick their Bodies
with their Tongues[it indicates rain.]"[2]
-"It has been the Observation of those that have
had many Years Experience of the Weather, That when the Wind in the Summer Time
has been South 2 or 3 Days, and it grows very Hot, and when you see Clouds
arise with great white Tops like Towers, as if one cloud were on the Top of
another, and join'd together with Black on the nether Side, that then it is
like to be Thunder and Rain suddenly in many Places." [3]
Sunny or Hot Weather
-"If the Clouds appear of a scarlet Red at or
near the Setting of the Sun, it is a sure Sign of fair Weather..."
-"In a hazy Summer's Morning, when you see many
Spider-webs upon the Grass, Trees, &c. you may expect it will clear up, and
be hot, in general, before twelve o'Clock."
-"I have observ'd that many, if not most of 'em
do expand their Flowers and Down in Warm Sun-shiny Weather, and again close
them towards Evening, or in Rain, especially at the Beginning of Flowering,
when the Seed is young and tender, It is manifest in the Down of the
Dandelion..." [4]
-"If the Mist [in the mornings] continues many
Days, as it frequently does in November and December, I think it is a sure Sign
of much Rain or Snow falling in the Winter."
-"Clouds like Woolly Fleeces appearing high and moving heavily; the Middle a Darkish Pale, and the Edges White, carry Snow in them..." [5]
I think I'll go outside and check the "down" of my dandelions. I knew I was growing them for some reason. :)
[2] John Pointer, A Rational Account of the Weather: Shewing
the Signs of its several Changes and Alterations, together with the Philosophical
Reasons of them (Oxford:S. Wilmot, 1723), 3-5.
[3] Pointer, A Rational Account, 35.
[4] Hall, Observations
on the Weather, 13-21.
[5] Pointer, A Rational Account, 37.